Responsible application of state-of-the-art AI tools to solve problems in Industry and Society

working with academics from all disciplines and stakeholders, with a commitment to innovation and sustainability

A passion for enhancing society and adhere to the responsible use of AI

We have an extensive network of cross-discipline and international academic and industrial collaborations

Every single one of our projects involves active stakeholders who expect usable outcomes

By working with stakeholders, we guarantee that our research has context and impact.

Dissemination at events and top journal publications and conferences

Our academic team has a rich portfolio of papers in Q1 journal and other prestigious international conferences.

We are regularly invited to present our work as keynote speakers at academic and industry events.

RiSE is continuously involved in collaborative grant proposals with International and Industry partners

We have work supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering and other funding bodies.


Our projects support real needs from commited stakeholders

Artificial Intelligence models to support sustainability in agriculture

In collaboration with 2 Universities and one of the largest Oil Palm plantations in Colombia we work in optimising sustainability, management and financial aspects. The projects have been supported by various grants including a Newton Fund IAPP and 2 Distinguished International Associates (DIA) grants from the Royal Academy of Engineering.


This project has resulted in augmented intelligent platforms to improve the environmental and financial sustainability of small and medium farmers… see details for AgroRisk

Supporting transparency in stop and search police activities

We use semantic search pretrained sentence-transformers models to work with our own DNN model.
Both are enabled for training using around 2K hand labelled police records.

The project gained an international award in protecting human rights and security.

Identifying barriers for student attendance and engagement: mitigation through strategies using emergent AI technologies

In collaboration colleagues across DMU, partner schools and International collaboration with Asia Pacific University (Malaysia) and their UNESCO chair, we are working in improving students attendance, engagement and attainment.

Generative AI and Education

A collaborative project between RiSE, cross-faculty staff at DMU, and the AIDE (AI in Education research) group at APU (Malaysia) to optimise the equality in learning and maximise the level of STEM and transferrable skills in the current generation of students forming to be the researchers of the future.

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